Sunday, January 26, 2020

An Introduction To Food Service Industry

An Introduction To Food Service Industry The purpose of this chapter is to critically review the literature relating to Food Service Industry, the position and attributes to gain costumers perception. The arrangement starts with the role of food service, with investigation into the food and beverage operations. Subsequently, considerations into Service Quality point were dimension such as expectance and perception and an illustration of service quality model are taken. In addition an overview into the food and beverage service employment. An important point is mentioned regards to food quality and influences on costumer expectance and perception. Furthermore, sections such us menu planning and meal experience will taken to enrich the research. Finalize with an important point nowadays, were environment impacts will be take into consideration. 3.2 The role of food service The provision of food and beverage service (Davis et al., 1999) and eating away from home are increasingly and there is widening diversity in the nature and type of food and beverage on offer (Lillicrap et al., 2002). In addition conferences organizers are very familiar with the need for a high quality of food and beverage service within venues (McCabe et al., 2000). There are many reasons that clients normally desire to include a food service function in conferences and meetings. Shock and Stefanelli (1992, p.132) in McCabe et. al., (2000) have suggested several reasons such as: to create an image to provide an opportunity for interaction and networking to present a person, product to refresh conference attendees and sharpen their attention to provide a interested audience to keep delegates interested in other non-food activities to increase attendance at conferences Food and beverage service is the essential link between menu, beverage, and other services on offer in an establishment, and the customers (Foskett and Ceserani, 2008). The food and beverage function is characterized both by its diversity and by its size of the event as example of conference, meetings, exhibition and business events (Davis and Stone, 1991). Also can used as an effective tool to satisfy attendees and built attendance, as it empowers an attendees sensory memory of an event (Kim et. al., 2009). It is a significant and critical part of conference operations, and responsible for a high percentage of revenue for the venue (McCabe et al., 2000). In the past, food and beverage service was not important for conference centres, however now when a conference or meeting is organized, food and beverage services plays a fundamental role in the decision-making (, 2002 p. 35). Various groups and function venues dynamically search more out for group business as groups can be serviced with minimal costs and within particular times (Davis et al., 1999). Arranging an efficient food and beverage service for groups and functions at time can be very challenging. In many instances, groups may want very specific items, at very specific times and require special menus, or even an out-of-hours service (McCabe et al., 2000). 3.2.1 The food and beverage operations For a particular food and beverage operation the choices of how the food and beverage service is designed, planned, undertaken and controlled are made taking into consideration a number of organisational variables (Foskett and Ceserani, 2008). Figure 5 shows the variables that food and beverage operation has to take into account. Figure 5: Food and beverage operations. Source: Adapted from Foskett and Ceserani (2008) A food and catering service into the conference industry is characterised as function catering. That may be described as the food and beverage service at a specific time and place, for a specified number of people, to an arranged menu and price (Davis and Stone, 1991; Foskett and Ceserani, 2008). There are a variety of function events ranges from providing a bar in a reception area where delegates for a conference are able to assemble before their meeting, to large formal banquets of over 1000 where six to eight courses meals are served (Davis et al., 1998). 3.3 Service quality concept The concept of service can be explained as an interaction between employees and customers (Ball et al., 2003). In this context service quality characterize the level of service that is delivered by operations (Sasser et al., 1982; Walker, 1990; Johns et al., 1994; Jones and Pizam, 1993). It is almost defined in terms of customers perception of expected quality and experienced quality (Brown et. al., 1993). However, service quality is a complex concept and generally needs more than one model to explain it (John, 1996). Many researches making effort to define service quality, they usually on quality service and how it reaches the customers needs. Service quality can be again described as the difference between customers expectation and distinguished performance (Lovelock, 1992; Juwaheer and Ross, 2003). Therefore, services providers need to explore ways to increase productivity, which rely on objectives and goals to be achieved of the service although including quality. Product quality usually ends in the eyes of customers, particularly in the service industry. However the criterion used from customers to evaluate it might be complex and difficult to describe, in particular involving services with high labour content because performance of labour can be different from producer to producer, also each customer can perceived it differently (Berry et. al., 1990). It is also measured according to the level and direction of difference between experience and perception (Sasser et. al., 1987; Gronoor, 1982). Moreover, Ogowicz et. al. (1990) states that perceived service quality can be see form external of the actual operation that appears between customers and servicer provider. In additional, Wyckoff (1992) and Becker and Murrmann (1999) argues that service quality is the level of excellence planned to meet customers requirements. Meeting or exceeding customers expectation is the means to ensure good service quality. Service performance can be judge as a low or high by customers comparing their expectation (Parasuraman, 1988) Customers have a wide range of choices regards to a food service business. From many years of dining experience, customers expectation of service quality have increase and the food and beverage industry is competing to rising it market share (Raajpoot, 2004). As well in the present market place, service quality is know as one of the mainly significant aspect in expand and retaining the successful relationship (Svensson, 2002). Most organisations and managers now realise that customers satisfaction can generate a long-term success, the market were they control which not only include customers but also competitors, regulatory governments agencies and the overall marketing environment (Kandampully, 2001). Therefore, researches can be conducted to identify what creates and retains customers satisfaction and ways to evaluate. 3.4 Dimensions of service quality The intangibility concerned services make it more complicated for consumers to evaluate than product quality because cannot be stored or held. Services are complex to assess until subsequent they have been performed, and even towards it still difficult. However, service quality can be observed as a measure of quality of the delivered-service level equivalent to customers expectations (Lewis and Booms, 1983). Parasuraman et. al. (1985) developed a well-know research concerning service quality, to recognized factors that costumers perceive about service quality. As the research result, they revealed general criteria as the ten principle dimensions of service quality, commonly know as SERVQUAL dimension in order to judge an organisations service quality by customers. Figure 10 illustrates those ten factors. Figure 6: The ten principle dimensions. Source: Adapted from Parasuraman et. al., 1985. Initially, the research proposed 22 statements to identify consumers perception and expectation of service quality. Secondly, those statements represent the ten determinants of service quality (Parasuraman et. al., 1988) illustrated on figure 10. Moreover, service quality emerges from comparison of expected service with perception. Development of model concern service quality suggest that expected service is influenced by three key criteria which as Marketing/Service Package, Personal Needs and Desire and Past Conference Meal. (Parasuraman et. al., 1990). In this research the initial service quality has been adapted to food service function into the conference sector. Figure 11 will demonstrate service quality process to measure costumers expected service and perceived service quality. Figure 7 Service Quality Model to Conference Food Function Source: Adapted from McCabe et al., (2000); Parasuraman et. al., (1985). Even so, it has been suggested that expectations are bound by adequate and desire levels, with a zone of tolerance in between. Although a model has been suggested to conceptualise service quality, with gaps representing the problem associated with the difference between processes to assess costumers expectation ands perception on the food providers performance (Parasuraman, 1991). GAP 1: The procedural gap First gap is the difference between what management believes customers want and what customers really asked for. GAP 2: The understanding gap Second gap is the difference between costumers expectations and managers perceived from costumers expectation. GAP 3: The behavioural gap The service delivered is different from the service specification. GAP 4: The promotional gap The difference between what has been promised by marketing communication activities and the actual service delivered. GAP 5: The perception gap Level of service perceived by costumer diverges from the service actually provided. The model helps catering managers recognise the understanding of customers. Also offers a clear thoughtful to managers who require improving the service quality provided by their service process. Consequently, managers gain the knowledge to improve their service quality and how they can understand their customers expectation and make then pleased which can promote a successful result to a conference meal service (McCabe et al., 2000; Rogers 2008; Zeithaml et. al., 1990). 3.4.1 Expectance and Perception of service quality Customers translate their needs into a series of expectance of the service or product that stand on this ability to satisfy an assured or implicit need. If the food function meets and exceeds these expectations then the customers will feel satisfied and will feel that they have received quality (Parasuraman, et. al., 1985 in Davis et al. 1998). However, if the food function does not meet their expectation, then there is a gap between customers expectations and the perceived characteristics of the service and quality will not have been provided (Davis and Stone, 1991). Customers have different background which influences his or her perception (Olsen et al., 1998). Service delivery is variable and difficult to measure because of the individual character of the contact between customer and services provider (Lashley and Lee-Ross, 2003). Moreover, these needs become a series of expectations for customers such as the type of food they desire, how they would like to be greeted and how much they are prepared to pay (Lockwood et al., 1996). In additional, culture, mood and timing jointly with the customers previous experience can effect on the way service is perceived (Walker, 1990). It is understandable that successful service providers will depend on the individual service delivered, being capable to interpret the customers requirement and adapt the service delivered to their desire (Lashley and Lee-Ross, 2003). If the customer expectations are meet or exceed, they will be satisfied and will have a quality experience (Lockwood et al., 1996). Service providers seen to be more concerned about customers expectance and service delivered, it is important take into consideration if there is a mismatch between service delivered and what is expected, customers are less likely to return (Jones, 1989). Figure 9 illustrate four main outlines to meet customers expectations. Figure 9 Customers expectation Model Source: Adapted from Martin (2003). 2.4.2 Customer expectations Customer expectations are the required level of performance that customers require from a service (Swan and Trawick, 1980). Also based on how well services providers are able to fulfil customer needs and desires (Westbrook and Reilly, 1983; Woodruff; 1987). It plays a central role in understanding the evaluation of service quality (Oliver, 1980). A range of methods for concept customer satisfaction have been proposed, each theory are based on different foundation. The commonly conceptual definition based on expectancy theory, is that customer expectations are predictions created by the customer regarding to what they believe it will be the result of a service provided or exchanged (Clow et. al., 1997). The models of service quality and customers expectation Model see figure 9 stresses the role of expectations. As a result, food service providers should be not only to meet the customers expectations but also to exceed them. Even so, it should be evidenced that exceeding customer expectations by a very high level is both profitable and dynamic, also it will increase cost and customers will have even high expectations when they repurchase. (Olsen et al., 1996). 2.4.3 Customer perceptions Customer perceptions play a vital to the concept of service quality. Perceptions are customers beliefs when they receive and experience service. It gives an explanation on how customers perceive service and how they evaluate their feelings. Additionally, it is important that organisations and managers understand the criteria that customers use to measure service quality (Gale 1994). On average, customers do not perceive circumstances in the same way for the reason that they comprise different needs, objectives and past experiences which persuade their expectations (Seaton and Bennett 1996). Perceived quality is highly connected with service quality and customer satisfaction (Ndhlovu and Senguder, 2002), a high perception of service value can result in greater satisfaction and intentions to return (Tam, 2000). In the food service industry, customers evaluate, compare an establishment with is competitors, and that evaluation is based on satisfaction, where they observe evaluation of service quality from employees, product quality and price (Lewis, 1984; Johns, 1992). 3.5 Food and beverage service employment People working in food and beverage service are the main point of contact between customers an establishment (Foskett and Ceserani, 2008). It is an important role in a profession with an increasing national and international status (Lillicrap et al., 2002). A research conducted by Bowdin and Pherson (2006) states figures regarding tourism service industry. In UK, 13,276 people are employed in the industry as their main job, with a further 337 employed as their second job (The Labour Market review for the Travel Service in Bowdin and Pherson 2006). Moreover, People 1st (2009) registered on total 56 per cent of the labour force are employed on a full time basis and 44 percent work part time. Also the research suggests that conference and events is the largest employer with 13,771 employees, this figure does not included in the figure above. While is difficult to assess the number of employed into the industry. It is obvious that growth in employment in this are and associated sector is occurring. The innovative industries have seen a rise of 400,000 employees in an eight years period (Bowdin and Pherson 2006). The hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism sectors surrounded by the fastest growing in the UK, with standard growth in the sector sitting at 7 per cent over the last 5 years, compared with a 4 per cent growth rate across the economy as a whole. Furthermore, it is predicted that 15,000 new jobs will be created in these sectors between 2002 and 2012 (Bowdin and Pherson 2006). From the Food Service Industry Profile (2009) in Peoples 1st (2009), a research shows that according to the labour force survey 2007/08 183,902 people work in food service establishments in the UK., which 67 per cent are women. They also supported that 15 per cent of those people working in the food and service industry are from black and ethnic minority. Furthermore, graphics 8 and 9 shows the employment by gender and full and part time employment into the food service industry: Graphics 1: Employment by gender and full and part time. Source: People 1st (2009). An additional data from the research reveal the industry age management profile, it says is relatively old when compare to other industry within the hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism sector. More than half 52 per cent are aged between 30 and 49 compared to an average of 35 percent across the sector. A further 27 per cent are aged over 50. Across the sector this figure stands at 17 per cent. 3.6 The concepts of food quality Food quality is generally distinguished from concept of value. It is understandable that food is a core product in any food establishment. Perception of food quality is part of the cognitive process, which influences satisfaction/ dissatisfaction as well as need fulfilment, expectancy affirmation, equity/inequity, also regret and unapprised cognition (Frewer et al., 2001). A high standard of service and quality of food with more sophisticated atmosphere can be found in a coffee shop or speciality restaurants; higher priced à ¡ la carte restaurant with more extensive menu and one or two cocktail bars in the hotel (Davis et al., 1998; Edwards and Nick, 1994). A well in conference centres were function meals served requires professionalism in preparing, planning and producing these meals; knowledge of the diners / customers and their expectations, desire and reasons for eating out are other crucial factors of food quality (Gustafsson et. al., 2006). Examining customer satisfaction, finds that food quality is part of top nine factors tested that had a considerable effect on customers intention to return in a food service. Likewise, the crucial factor of selecting food service establishment is determined by quality of food (Cullen, 2004). 3.7 Importance of food quality A researched carried by Kim et. al. (2009) analyse the influence of conference food function on attendee satisfaction shows that the quality of food content is the leading determinant of an attendees satisfaction with the food function performance. However, consumers are increasingly becoming knowledgeable and sophisticated about food; they usually expect and require food with genuine quality. If companies are prepared to respond to these demands and reflect them in their marketing strategies, the bottom line quality will appear for it self (Wheelock 1992). A term of quality are generally described rather differently between costumers and the provider (Wieske, 1981), and normally includes items such as the food variety, quality of ingredients, nutrition, portion size and price, those appropriated to meet customers desire and nutritional requirements contributing to pleasure of eating (Daget, 1988; Seo and Shanklin, 2005). 3.7.1 Customers role of food quality Food is not only a basic need of life but, it is a survival necessity. Eating is a part of activities of the daily routine, where variation, life style, imagination and imagination on food preparation and presentation (Wieske 1981). With food and service product price and variety can be widely provided. In general, customers are prepared to pay more for what they recognize to high quality service or product (Wheelock 1992). Quality on food can be relatively a complex issue. The food quality approach is engage into the natural sciences based on measurability of food quality characteristics. Those product and services characteristics are classified by costumers researches, transforming those in natural part of the product or service definition and can be conveyed to the next link to improve process on those processes with right specification related to an ingredients, manufacture procedures, packing and service standards, called specifications (Daget, 1988; Becker, 2000). Specifications are the meaning by product knowledge which is transmitted to all those concerned at the service or product. Any failure to certificate this will inevitably confuse those who face the problem of putting the design into production (Daget 1988). The product knowledge and quality expectation is powerfully influenced both by the companys marketing and advertisement as well as by the type of how it can be demonstrated and provision in the trade (Wieske 1981). 3.7.2 Influence of food sensory aspects on costumers Food providers can be even less confident about how much that food contributes to an individuals meal experience (Edwards and Nick, 1994). Experienced quality, including all sort of sensory pleasure particularly taste, and it is influenced by many ways for instance, the product itself, past experience which applies to both food quality and mood of the customer (Frewer et al., 2001). Despite the fact that sensory quality of food is just a part of the customers eating experience, it is very vital for food development, market testing and quality control (Nick et al., 1994). Costumers can use their sensory dimension and the freshness of food to evaluate food service quality or perceived value A successful food service function is the one which ensures providence of appearance, aroma, taste, temperature and texture are all as customer expectations (Jones, 2002; Lee et al., 2004). It is important to note that psychical quality of food is a vital part of customer satisfaction. Sensory aspects of food quality are perceived by numerous items (Jones, 2002), illustrated on table 9 the follow senses: Table 9 Food sensory aspects. Senses Examples Sight, Appearance Colour, visual texture, portion size, apparent freshness and purity; Smell Aroma, some part of flavour which is actually perceived through the olfactory area; Taste Combinations of sweetness, sourness, saltiness and bitterness to create unique flavour of food; Kinaesthetic Sense of muscular movement such as chewiness and tenderness; Touch, Texture Smoothness, dryness, lumps, fluid or solid including rare, middle or well done level of steak; Hearing Some foods are recognised by a crackle during chewing; Temperature Serving with low temperature or high temperature depending on types of meals or sweet. Source: Jones (2002). 3.7.3 The influence of food sensory attributes on customers The sensory attributes of a food plays an important role in it overall acceptance process. For example, it has been well acknowledged that there is specific design to the growth of pleasantness/unpleasantness as a function of the strength of food related sensory attributes. It is makes clear that customers expectations about the sensory properties of food have an influential effect on perceived food appearance (Thomson, 1994). According to many researchers regarding on the relative influence of food quality on customer satisfaction and behaviour (Auty, 1992), the sensory dimensions may perhaps be a core quality and seen as fundamental role to improve perceived service value in a food service context. Additionally the sensory attributes as well play a key role in the customers attempt to assess a particular food function performance (Kivela et al., 2000; Lee et al., 2004). A research conducted by Hester and Harrison (2001) reveals that the sensory attributes can be transformed into a perception of food quality by the costumers that may go ahead to repeat purchase. In addition, a better perception of costumers permit food providers to meet their needs and offer a wide range of nutritious, delicious, attractive and good value products. The importance of appearance, flavour and texture Appearance is the first sensory sense that influences costumers to be interested in the food (Cardello 1994; Lawless 2000). It includes essential sensory attributes of the food as its colour, shape and size as well as more compounds attributes such as translucency, gloss and surface texture (Cardello 1994). Colour often predominate costumers expectations about flavour, and changes in shape or colour can reduce the sense of sameness. It predicts quality and motivates costumers expectations concerning other sensory attributes (Lawless 2000). Astonishing colours may possibly persuade caution until the food is determined to be safe, palatable, and nutritious (Lawless 2000). Although the visual appearance of the food is a potential influence on acceptability, package related to shape, colour, design, associated logo, symbols, brand item; and names are also important (Cardello 1994). Several researches has been conducted concerning important specifics attributes as important sensory factors involving acceptability of food variety, issues from costumers knowledge of food texture is essential to understanding its overall contribution to food acceptance. Furthermore, most of researches that have been conducted with food costumers, flavours are more often mentioned than texture as a reason liking or disliking food (Cardello 1994; Cardello et. al., 1983; Cardello and Maller, 1987; Hendrix et. al., 1963). On the other hand, other studies have indicated that texture is mentioned more often as a reason for disliking a food than as a reason for liking it (Schutz and Wahl 1981). Many others attributes have been taken into consideration, such as gender, socio-economic status and geographical location were factors related to awareness of texture. Women prefer to be more texture conscious than men, an attribute shared by people in higher socio-economic classes (Schutz and Wahl 1981). Despite the fact that the texture of food products can have a profound effect on perceived acceptability, an even greater influence is applied by the flavour of food (Cardello, 1994). 3.7.4 Expectation and perception on food quality Food services are characterised basically by experience also by an acceptable quality dimensions. For most quality dimensions, costumers can not recognize quality before or during the process, however, they have to create quality expectation which is called quality indication. There are generally two quality indication outlining the expectations which are extrinsic quality and intrinsic quality (Olson and Jacoby, 1972 in Frewer et al., 2001). Extrinsic quality factors refers to everything including price of the product or the brand Also, it includes atmosphere and service quality of staff (Frewer et. al., 2001). Measure satisfaction factor, it is becomes more critical as customer expectations and perceptions of product change. Customer product expectations are expected to increase, also their expectations of money value (Edwards and Nick, 1994). A research conducted by Dube and Renaghan (1994) recognises the importance to focus on relationship between satisfaction and the frequency of repeat purchase. In addition, they suggest to food service environment different ways to encouraging repeat purchase based on aspects such as tasty food, atmosphere, attentive staff, helpful staff, consistent food, menu variety and waiting time. Into the food service industry intrinsic quality refers to physical characteristics of the product or service, for example, when the taste or the appearance is inferred from the colour or other aspects include appearance and brand knowledge (Frewer et al., 2001; Tregear and Ness, 2005); also staff appearance and atmosphere of dining hall (Kim et. al., 2009). In addition, customers meal acceptance normally is not only influenced by food quality itself (intrinsic quality) but customers may rely previous meals experiences and value expectation (Oh and Park, 2000; Hartwell, 2004). 3.8 Menu planning The aim of food menu or beverage list is to inform customers what is available to them (Davis et al. 1998), in apparently random fashion with the food being raw, prepared or cooked. Individual menus came into use early in the nineteenth century, as the twentieth century advanced, and people settled around the world, the food service industry began to introducing different style of food and service (Foskett and Ceserani, 2008). Function catering venues normally work on menu planning based on the guidelines in the financial and marketing policies, the different types of menus offered by a function organisation (Davis et al. 1998). Usually, those venues adopt the cyclical menus, these are complied to cover a given period of time: months, or seasonal. The length of the cycle is determined by management strategies (Foskett and Ceserani, 2008). Table 6 shows the advantages and disadvantages of cyclical menus. Table 6 Advantages and disadvantages of cyclical menus. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Cyclical menus save time by removing the daily or weekly task of compiling menus, although they may require slight alterations for the next period. When used in association with cook-freeze operations, it is possible to produce the entire number of portions of each item to last the whole cycle, having determined that the standardised recipes are correct. They give greater efficiency in time and labour. They can cut down on the number of commodities held in stock, and can assist in planning storage requirements. When used in establishments with a captive clientele, the cycle has to be long enough so that customers do not get bored with the repetition of dishes. The caterer can not easily take advantage of good buys offered by suppliers on a daily or weekly basis, unless such items are required for the cyclical menu. Source: Adapted from Foskett and Ceserani (2008). Manage menu planning for conference events, should take several factors into consideration: food costs, delegate requirements, the type of items required by the client, nutritional concerns, seasonality, staffing implications, and the overall impression that the meal will give to delegates (McCabe et al., 2000). As a sales tool, menus often will by using well-planning and presented advertisement techniques, direct the customers what they are buy (Davis et al. 1998), also it is important to present clearly to clients and delegates the quantity, quality, price, brand (if necessary) and means of preparation of items within menu (McCabe et al., 2000). 3.8.1 Menu selection From conference managers, food function is related to cost driven, as food and beverage sector accounts for 28% of the total expenditure for the conference industry, which is the single largest portion (

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Literature Review on Lime Essay

LIME Grenada Ltd is a well established company that has been in operation since 1989 on the island of Grenada. Currently, LIME Grenada serves a customer base of over 109,000 residents, excluding the large number of visitors to its shores. This company has a significant role to play in bringing the telecommunication services to the nationals of Grenada. They are referred to as the market leader in fixed-line services and broadband services in the state of Grenada. As a result, this company has the competitive advantage of offering the widest range of broadband and fixed-line services. With one competitor namely DIGICEL, LIME Grenada operates as one of the leading providers of mobile technology and as such, facilitates an important aspect on the path towards globalisation. â€Å"Mobile communications have fundamentally changed the way in which we are able to live our lives. The way we work, the way we play, the very way in which we communicate have all changed since the advent of the mobile phone† (Cable & Wireless Communications Plc. 010). This company, competing strongly with its market challenger DIGICEL, offers a wide choice of quality, leading-edge mobile devices including the latest blackberry, Samsung galaxy and much more of the latest gadgets used in data and voice services to ensure that nationals of Grenada is on the same level with the rest of world. In terms of fixed-line services, LIME Grenada stands strong since they are the sole provider of this service which facilitates the quick and easy communication amongst nationals themselves and the rest of the world. With the provision of broadband services via fibre-optic submarine cable and satellite system, LIME Grenada proves be very valuable in the transformation of various means of conducting activities. In the education sector, LIME Grenada facilitates E-learning through the provision of internet or broadband services. Students are no longer confined to the walls of a classroom since LIME Grenada makes it possible for persons to pursue education through distant learning via the internet. Individuals are now able to access, interact and share information without the physical classroom. Importantly, this company allows easy access to a wide choice of sources of information for educational purposes to enhance learning and teaching. Added to this, is the implementation of videoconference connectivity to link campuses on the island and thus, allow access to a wider range of programmes to all individuals. This was not possible many years ago, however, with the assistance of LIME Grenada this has become a reality. The education sector is therefore transforming in this rapidly evolving digital society as Grenadians are now privileged to capture and utilize various educational opportunities. In Grenada’s domestic business sector, there is an increasing use of the internet, a key factor propelling ICT use, for conducting business transactions. In the banking sector, LIME Grenada makes available the opportunity for banking institutions to provide 24-hour online services to their customers. Persons can visit the various websites and access their accounts to conduct and view transactions. Among the many companies are Grenada Cooperative Bank, Republic Bank Grenada Ltd and First Caribbean International Bank. Furthermore, individuals and businesses can also conduct electronic commerce (e-commerce) via the internet. One such example of this is Carriasoap. com where numerous electronic, household, office and even party supplies are sold over the internet. Besides the aforementioned, LIME Grenada also provides employment opportunities in the business sector as the company endeavour to meet the needs of its market. In the not too distant future, there is high anticipation for the potential use of the broadband services provided by LIME Grenada to include E-taxation services through the Electronic Governance Regional Infrastructure Project (E-GRIP) within the country. This would comprise persons registering online and obtaining a tax identification number, taxpayers filing their monthly and annual returns online and taxpayers paying their taxes online thereby avoiding long lines. With the introduction of this system, the Inland Revenue Division will provide 24 hour online services to all taxpayers (Mitchell, Keith C. 2013). There is also the potential for development of an ICT knowledge park, the provision of WI-FI service in public buildings such as Government offices, schools, hospitals and police stations, which has already begun as stipulated by Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell in his budget presentation in March of this year. With this, the importance of the telecommunication sector in Grenada is certainly visible. With proper measures in place the telecommunications sector is bound to encourage technology transfer across the globe which results in improved productivity in all sectors and increased standard of living. On the contrary, there are many hurdles that may be faced by LIME Grenada Ltd in the telecommunication sector. With globalisation, competition among mobile operators is inevitable. In Grenada, this is evident with the establishment of DIGICEL, a company offering mobile services to nationals of the country. This has ended LIME Grenada’s monopoly in that aspect and increased the potential for the penetration of other mobile service providers. Although competition amongst companies results in low costs and continuity in bridging the digital divide, LIME Grenada has to critically improve services in order to effectively compete with its rivals. This company has to look critically at the services they can offer and at the pricing strategies they can use so as to counteract the hindrances or threats that new competitors present. They have to effectively monitor their competitor’s strategies and develop many ways to counteract their plans and tactics to gain customers. Another hurdle that LIME Grenada may be faced with is the ability to speedily obtain updated technological and communication infrastructure and to modify operations. As with many other developing countries in the Caribbean region, lack of resources, particularly financial and qualified human resources, may also significantly hamper their development process. The telecommunication sector in Grenada is not alone in facing challenges on the path towards rapid growth and expansion via the globalisation process. According to Hylton, Shallon (2012), in Jamaica the challenges encountered with the provisions of telecommunication services vary in nature. Despite the many employment opportunities, there still remains a shortage of trained and highly qualified workers in the field. There is also the problem of cybercrime ranging from software conspiracy, the spreading of software viruses, software hacking and phishing. In Barbados, the high cost of the underlying transport network is creating a drag on the economy†¦. Service firms are keen on liberalization of telecommunications services. Hotels, tour operators and travel services recognize the need for a state-of-the-art network infrastructure for local and international clients. Banks, insurance firms and retailers are heavy data users that require economically priced telecommunications services to be competitive†¦.. Service companies are already at a disadvantage in the lending market due to regional loan practices that fail to recognize intellectual property and soft assets as a basis for working capital. Barbadian service firms advocate telecommunications reform to lower the cost of communications (Schmid, Linda. 2013). Overall, in previous years, people could not communicate across the world or interact without barriers, delays or difficulty (Hylton, Shallon. 012. p. 3). Currently, the new digital and mobile technologies along with the internet services offered by LIME Grenada allow persons to operate as if the world has no boundaries. Grenada in undertaking the liberalisation of its telecommunication market enhances its competitive position and economic growth and improvements in many sectors. Though there are challenges, the benefits outweigh them significantly. The literature exploring the significance and impact of telecommunication in this globalising world is quite extensive. Jeniffer Mohammed in Caribbean Studies– An Interdisciplinary Approach (2007) provides a critical insight into information on globalisation and information and communication technologies (ICT’s) which has guided this research thus far. Mohammed stated, â€Å"What a truly globalized world is about is one where there is a ‘level playing field’, where, for instance, everybody can benefit from the trade in technology. This has been happening with cell phones. From the nomadic people of the Sahara to Caribbean people in shanty towns to fishermen going about their trade, almost everyone uses cell phones to communicate. This is an example of something that has been truly globalized and gives us a good understanding about what globalization as a process is really about. It is not that those groups of people are necessarily communicating globally, but the use of the cell phones is a global phenomenon touching all income groups†. (p. 270). â€Å"Digital technologies, the internet and cell phones truly operate as if the world has no border†¦This is the logical meaning of – globalisation – whether applied to trade, finance flows or communication- for some commodity to be equally available to all, anywhere, as if the nation- state did not exist†(p. 70). Moretti, Marco (n. d), in his writing in Globalisation of Mobile and Wireless Communication: Today and in 2020 (2010) stated â€Å"what is happening to the mobile communication market is a good example of positive globalization: in few years mobile phones have spread all around the world becoming a low-cost tool capable of providing wireless connectivity almost everywhere†(p. 19). â€Å"Mobile communications, thanks to the effect of a globalized process of development, are probably one of the most effective means to close the digital divide†. p. 23). The World Bank in their June 2012 publication stated â€Å"Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have great promise to reduce poverty, increase productivity, boost economic growth, and improve accountability and governance. That promise only grew when ICTs underwent a revolution in the 2000s. Nearly 5 billion people in developing countries now use mobile phones, up from 200 million at the last decade‘s st art, and the number of Internet users has risen 10-fold. People across the globe do much more than chat and play games. They learn where best to fish and what market to sell their produce in. They trace cattle from pastures to supermarkets. They report illegal logging and misuses of local budget. They pay bills, send money back home, and receive cash transfers. They do business on mobile phones. They use ICTs to prevent violence against women—and community radio to empower them. They get state-of-the-art schooling online†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Governments can use ICTs to transform public service delivery across sectors—health, education, social protection, justice, agriculture, water, energy, and transport—both central and local. ICTs offer an opportunity to revolutionize public service management by capturing information efficiently in shared databases accessible to all government agencies (such as a national database of electronic identification of citizens). ICTs help governments to simplify administrative procedures and share services (such as citizen authentication and payment systems). And governments can pool resources, reduce costs, adopt common standards for information exchanges, and perform government functions more efficiently (with faster response time and fewer errors)† (The World Bank. 2012).

Friday, January 10, 2020

Intersect Benchmark Swot Analysis Paper

Intersect Benchmark SWOT Analysis Paper Karen M Lane MMPBL/520 Transformational Leadership September 26, 2011 Steve Williams Small business owners and organizations fight for survival is becoming a part of everyday conversations, headline news, journey topics, and radio talk. Businesses around the world are trying to avoid the graveyard for businesses. This is a place where unsuccessful businesses rest after consumers closes their wallets and corporate revenue plunge beyond repair.The fight for survival is real and the challenges faced have the potential to bring a finish to a once good ideal. Strategic planning is a necessary tool for an organization or small business to know where the company is headed and what means the plan will get the organization there. This plan may consist of looking at the organization’s strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). This paper will benchmark two well know companies while using a SWOT analysis to compare and contrast leaders hip and change management. SWOT analysis is the foundation for building a strategic plan. SWOT analysis identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threads an organization is facing. The advantage of completing a SWOT analysis is the gathered information that may be used to empower the organization through building on the strengths, identifying and overcoming weaknesses, using opportunities for advancement, and the ability to properly manage and minimize external threats† (McNamara, 2011). The two companies of choice is Southwest Airlines andCompany History and SWOT Analysis Southwest Airlines â€Å"In 1966 a group of Texas investors founded a company called Air Southwest Co. later becoming incorporated as Southwest Airline Co. in 1967. Southwest has become the largest domestic airline in the United States by the amount of passengers carried. Southwest Airlines has been in business for over 43 years as a successful airline, but their success has not been without a cost Southwest devised a plan to eliminate in-flight meals, aggage transfer, and other traditional frill to ensure lower cost. This helped Southwest Airlines create a new form of transportation by competing against the automobile industry for travel (International Directory of Company Histories,  2005). Southwest added a new twist to the airline and transportation industry that caused its competitors to step out of their comfort zone. Over the next several years Southwest Airlines grew larger through the waging of price wars from their competitors. In 2000 Southwest revenues were 6. billion and became known for their â€Å"Taking Care of Business† slogan. Southwest relinquish corporate perks to continue to supply their customers with cheaper fares. Southwest’s much success was soon followed by 9/11 terrorist attacks. â€Å"In the mist of 9/11 Southwest’s competitors experienced thousands of workers being laid off, lost billions of dollars, and headed for pr otection from the bankruptcy courts, but Southwest continued to profit† (International Directory of Company Histories, 2005). A couple of known causes were airlines faced extremely high oil prices like never before, drastic security measures had to be taken to prevent something like this from happening again, and customers once more turned to use other forms of transportation. The loss of confidence that customers and the airlines suffered from the 9/11 hijackings cause a fear throughout the world† (Jay,  199-2011). This fear forced Southwest Airlines to make the necessary changes needed to overcome the present storm. Southwest plan of attached stemmed from employee morale.Whereas other airlines were folding under pressure resulting in employee layoffs, Southwest secured the future of their employees through union negotiations and committing to a no lay-off policy. The airline strong commitment to their employees raised company morale for the stakeholders. This secured the readiness of employees in the area of change. This also was a direct reflection in Southwest’s ability in the area of transitional and transactional leadership. Strengths In the area of strengths Southwest Airlines has exceled at servant leadership by placing the needs of every employee in front of their own.The Southwest leadership team demonstrated their capability to properly manage and apply their strategic planning knowledge in a never foreseen occurrence. Through consideration Southwest has gained mutual respect and the necessary by-in from stakeholders to apply the new vision and direction of the organization. Leader-member relations are at its peak within the organization and can be contributed to the loyalty and the support shown through situation control. Leaders at this point may use the power of persuasion to gain the by-in from employees for the new organizational direction. WeaknessOver staffing and cost is a major factor for Southwest’s current situ ation for the sake of commitment inability to control external factors, and a higher level of knowledge needed for advancing. Opportunities Southwest has an opportunity to reevaluate task structure, implement new procedures to apply to the latest learned knowledge, explore new methods, develop and properly train employees, build better work relations, implementation of employee involved decision making programs, learn about the newest technology for growth purposes, regain customer confidence, and develop leadership behaviors while expecting greater outcomes.Threats Southwest may experience a loss of morale over a period of time, advancing new and current competitors because of a lack of funding for the latest and greatest technology, turn-over in employee and leadership, permanent loss of employee confidence. Continental Airlines â€Å"Continental Airlines was founded in 1967. Continental pride themselves for acquiring simple goals: having high quality product every day f service, getting customers where they want to go on time with their baggage while leaving customers with a service of excellence recognized globally for being consistent† (International Directory of Company Histories, 2003). Continental Airline based on 2001 post 9/11 terrorist attacks was the fifth largest airline. The airline carries passengers, mail, and cargo throughout the world. Continental is connected to 200 airports worldwide. This amazing portfolio did not come without a cost. In the 1980s Continental found themselves being labeled as the poster child for having bad employee relationships and management turnover because of a hostile corporate raider. This bad combination cost the company one decade of declining sales and financial loss. In 1995 Continental experienced a turn around. A plan was put into place to renegotiate Continental’s debt, persuaded Boeing to defer delivery of any planes on order, and arranges concessions from aircraft lessors.High ranking official was also fired and replaced with new high rating staff† (International Directory of Company Histories, 2003). As years passed Continental experienced a long overdue financial break then 9/11 happened and caused a downside in their profits. â€Å"Immediately, after 9/11 terrorist attacks Continental laid-off 20% of their workforce, which totals 12,000 employees. Most of those employees returned to work within a year but morale was definitely affected by the airline’s current situation.Continental’s high ranking official Bethune did not take this situation lying down; he lobbied for the government to provide an industry-wide bailout. A fourth quarter loss of $149 million left the airline $95 million in the red for the year. The airline made a conscience decision to park 61 of its jets and 23 turboprops as business returned to normal for the airlines. In an effort to regain the trust and confidence of the stakeholders, shareholders, and financial capital Continent al formed an alliance with Delta, and Northwest.A ten-year code-shared agreement allowed customers to share frequently flier miles between the three airlines. This alliance shared 36% of shared domestic traffic† (International Directory of Company Histories, 2003). Strengths Continental has demonstrated their ability as leaders to make a tuff decision in times of crisis, regain customer trust after 911, strategize for better solutions, regained employee trust through the rehiring process, and setting an example for employees to follow.Ultimately, Continental leadership also displayed a servant leadership style that was able to transform the organization from on level to the next. Weakness Continental took what may be perceived as taking the easy way out by laying off employees instead of applying a workable strategic plan that could have benefited both parties. Through employee lay-offs the morale within the organization is at its all-time low and stress level are at a high wh ich, could lead to harmful situations. This has caused leader-member relations to diminish.The leaders demonstrated their inability to trust the workers to help within the organization’s crisis. Opportunities Continental has an opportunity to redevelop a new strategic plan, build stakeholders relationships, recommit to leader-member relations, reestablish their position of power, build the leaders within the organization, use positive reinforcements to regain trust, educate employees in the area of stress, opportunity to correct troubled areas create alternative strategies for possible resistance to change, and redefine and create a new vision for the organization.Other opportunities that Continental may have is greater work commitments once the storm has passed, hiring highly qualified employees, decrease or expand the span of control for building a stronger organization, and target elements of change. Threats The recent decision to lay off employees has sparked a fear withi n the organization that could possible led to heavy turnover, financial ruin due to the fear of flying, market changes and technological advancement for competitors, mergers and acquisition to regain loss, recession, and conflicts.In comparison Southwest, Continental, and Intersect has demonstrated situation control through their immediate work environment on every level. Although, each has also demonstrated a different leadership style the main focus to save the organization and secure the future was the first priority of the leaders. Each organization has also revealed their position of power through the necessary decisions made by the leaders and their ability to brainstorm to come up with the best possible solution for the organization’s future.Each organization was also able to pin point their weakness for future corrections to be made. Although the leadership style may differ each leader has demonstrated leadership skills that have earned the trust of their employee in the area of growth. Each organization also has a good repetition which preceded their current situation. In contrast Southwest has gained the by-in from employees through a more trusting type of leadership style whereas, Continental and Intersect has used their position of power to cause employee layoffs or to spark fear into current employees.Southwest lessen the chance of harmful threats in the area of employee stress whereas, Continental and Intersect decision has raised the level of stress and possibility threats. In conclusion, each organization has its pro and cons that maybe intertwined to created better future business decisions. The current use of a SWOT analysis has the potential to gather information while empowering each organization for future success. | | Strengths| Weaknesses| Opportunities| Threads| Intersect| Knowledgeable workers, Confident leadersAbility to share the vision of the organization with others. Proper staffing for the advancement of the new direction. Void of a backup plan for this type of disasterResistance to changeAbility to control stress levels within the organization. High turn-over ratesCustomer dissatisfactionRestructuring neededDefining of goals and new alignment. | Regain customer confidenceOpportunity to brainstorm for the best possible solution for their current situationEstablish long-term goalsBuild charismatic leadership style vs. using force or power for persuasion.Expansion of knowledge base for growth purposesOpportunity for goal setting| Loss of confidence and decrease of ProfitabilityNew Entrants Market changes| Southwest Airlines| Southwest exceled in the area of being servant leaders when the organization put the needs of their employees first by refusing to layoff employee. The union negotiations demonstrated the organization’s ability to dominate internal forces for change through job satisfaction by working with the union and not taking advantage of a stressful situation.Southwest through Charismat ic leadership transformed their work environment through goals, values,needs, beliefs, and aspirations. Leader-member relations are at its peak within the organization and can be contributed to the loyalty and the support shown through situation control. | Void of a backup plan for this type of disasterOver staffing and cost is a major factor for Southwest’s current situation for the sake of commitment inability to control external factors, and a higher level of knowledge needed for advancing. Regain customer confidenceOpportunity to brainstorm for the best possible solution for their current situationEstablish long-term goalsExpansion of knowledge base for growth purposes| Market changesLoss of confidence and decrease of ProfitabilityNew Entrants Over staffing and cost is a major factor for Southwest’s current situation for the sake of commitment inability to control external factors, and a higher level of knowledge needed for advancing. Continental Airlines| Continen tal has demonstrated their ability as leaders to make a tuff decision in a times of crisis, regain customer trust after 911, strategize for better solutions, regained employee trust through the rehiring process, and setting an example for employees to follow. | Inability to save a loss of job and secure the future of those workers.Establish employee trust and confidenceVoid of a back-up plan for this type of disaster| Regain customer confidenceOpportunity to brainstorm for the best possible solution for their current situationEstablish long-term goalsExpansion of knowledge base for growth purposesRedevelop a new strategic planbuild stakeholders relationships, recommit to leader-member relations, reestablish their osition of power, build the leaders within the organization, use positive reinforcements to regain trust, educate employees in the area of stress, opportunity to correct troubled areas create alternative strategies for possible resistance to change, and redefine and create a new vision for the organization. hiring highly qualified employees, decrease or expand the span of control for building a stronger organization, and target elements of change. Market changesLoss of confidence and decrease of ProfitabilityNew Entrants heavy turnover, financial ruin due to the fear of flying, market changes and technological advancement for competitors, mergers and acquisition to regain loss, recession, and conflicts. | References McNamara, C. (2011). Free Management Library. Retrieved from http://managementhelp. org/strategicplanning/basics. tm#anchor1434082 International Directory of Company Histories. (2005). FundingUniverse. Retrieved from http://www. fundinguniverse. com/company-histories/AirTran-Holdings-Inc-Company-History. html International Directory of Company Histories. (2003). FundingUniverse. Retrieved from http://www. fundinguniverse. com/company-histories/Continental-Airlines-Inc-Company-History. html

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Janissaries Of The Ottoman/Turkish Empire Essay

The Janissaries of the Ottoman/Turkish Empire nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Janissaries was an elite corp. in the standing army of the Ottoman Empire from the late 14th century to 1826. Highly respected for their military prowess in the 15th and 16th centuries, the Janissaries became a powerful force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, and in government administrations. The janissaries were organized into three unequal divisions: the cemaat, bà ¶là ¼khalki, and segban. The Janissary corps was originally staffed by Christian youths from the Balkan provinces who were converted to Islam on being drafted into the Ottoman service. Another way the Janissaries found new soldiers was by enslaving their enemies and forcing them into service.†¦show more content†¦The boys he takes in his own land are called cilik. Then they take those who are physically built for battle on ships and there they study and train to fight in battles. There the emperor provides for them and gives them a wage. From there he chooses for his own cou rt of those who are to train him. The younger soldier must serve the older, and those who come of age and attain manhood, the sultan assigns to the fortress for further training. To better visualize and understand a battle involving the Janissaries we must look through the eyes of one of these elite soldiers. We do this through the memoirs of a janissaries solider named Konstantin Mihailovic. Mihailovic was a Serb who was captured by Mehmed II in 1455 where he was â€Å"drafted† into the Janissaries Corps. During his long career as a soldier he fought in many epic battles. In one of these battles he actually fought Vlad Tsepes, also known as Dracula. He was finally captured, given back his freedom and reconverted to Christianity. After these experiences, he settled in Poland where he wrote his memoirs. In this brief description, he tells of a Janissary siege. â€Å"The Turkish emperor storms and captures cities and also fortresses at great expense in order not to remain there long with the army. First having battered the city or fortress walls until it seems sufficient to him, and seeing that it is the moment to launch a general assault, he then order s it to be cried throughout the army.† AShow MoreRelatedThe Ottoman Empire Essay1146 Words   |  5 PagesThe Ottoman Empire Around 1293 the chieftain of a nomadic Turkish tribe named Osman, founded an empire that would endure almost six hundred years. As this empire grew by conquering lands of the Byzantine Empire and beyond, it came to include, at its height, all of Asia Minor, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania, Egypt, Crete, Cyprus, Palestine, and North Africa through Algeria; parts of Hungry, Austria, Russia, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Oman, U.A.E., and Syria. 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